S Moga

S Moga

Prep New defence Against Dummy Email Registration

Make WordPress safe under 1 minute: Crafting a Script to Prep New defence Against Dummy Email Registrations

In this tutorials We are going to talk about how to prep new defence against dummy email registrations on a WordPress Website. After enabling “Anyone can register” under Admin Dashboard->Settings->General within 24 hours my website was full of dummy email registrations like users with email xxx@yopmail.com and bla bla bla. So I decided to prep new script to allow only certain email providers to register on the website. Easiest method was to create filter for registration process which can check…

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Implementing an Audio player in Flutter with Subtitles in under 5 min

Implementing an Audio player in Flutter with Subtitles in under 5 minutes.

Prerequisites: Packages: Steps: 2. Create the UI: 3. Fetch audio and subtitle files: 4. Parse subtitles: 5. Create an AudioPlayer instance: Use a Stream or Timer to periodically check the audio player’s current position: Dispose of resources: Complete code example: Here’s the findCurrentSubtitle method you can use to identify the current subtitle based on the audio position: This method iterates through the list of SrtSubtitle objects and compares the audio position (position) with the startTime and endTime of each subtitle. If the position falls…

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Rewards Ads in Flutter using Admob with Server Side Verification (SSV)

Server-Side Verification in Rewarded Ads for Flutter Apps

Rewarded ads offer a valuable way to engage users and monetize your Flutter app. However, relying solely on the ad network’s reporting can leave you vulnerable to fraudulent activity. Thankfully, server-side verification (SSV) provides a robust solution to ensure users truly complete the ad before granting rewards. This blog post dives into implementing SSV for rewarded ads in Flutter apps, boosting your app’s security and ad revenue. Understanding SSV: SSV shifts the verification process from the client-side app to your…

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Displaying YouTube video thumbnails in Flutter App in a super easy way

In one of my apps, I needed to show YouTube thumbnails for the link to the YouTube video. YouTube Video contains a video ID that can be used to fetch the thumbnail associated with that particular video. For example The part after v= is x96iLmXqRYk which is called video id. After this One this that we need is a magic link which fetch the thumbnail lets replace it with our example video id To test it just click on above link…

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This 5 line Python script will convert a Non-English XML file to a JSON file with Perfection

Whatever I write It comes from my own experience. Last week I was working on one of mine pet project which was initially developed in Native Android using Java 4 years ago. So now I just wanted to rewrite it using Flutter to make it available on Android and iOS from the same codebase. One thing that was challenging for me was to handle XML files which were responsible for two major functionalities. If you have no idea about android…

Read MoreThis 5 line Python script will convert a Non-English XML file to a JSON file with Perfection

Langchain Course Part 1: Prompt Engineering

Today we are going to talk about a very interesting topic which is How to write a prompt in ChatGPT or Bard or any Large Language Model(LLM) so that you can get the best of those. A prompt is the “Art of asking questions in the right way”. In the real world if we need better bonding with anyone We need to ask better questions and it is considered part of communication skills. Let us take an analogy to understand…

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PrepNew Prepare yourself for the New

Welcome to PrepNew: Prepare yourself for the New!

Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of new technologies, programming, career guidance, and making money as a programmer? Look no further! PrepNew is your ultimate destination for all things innovative and transformative. At PrepNew, we believe that staying ahead of the curve is crucial in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. That’s why we’ve created a platform where you can access a wealth of knowledge, expert insights, and practical resources to help you thrive in…

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